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NSD Hollow Eyestalk Disks 1.0.0

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These models are best used for making hollow eyestalk disks with translucent filament. You can also use opaque filament but you'll lose the effect. Here is how a solid eyestalk disk looks when printed at 10% fill with translucent filament:



Looks pretty cool as an actual iris but it doesn't let much light thru. So I decided to try making each disk as two separate pieces that fit together with a hollow center. Here's how that looks:



I also did a acetone vapor bath which made them look like this:



If you're doing an acetone vapor bath you must treat the pieces before assembling or acetone will condense in the hollow center and they will end up looking like this:



Here is a build diary entry describing how to do an acetone vapor bath. Here are two finished pairs viewed from each side:



Each piece is oriented with what will become the outer surface facing up. This keeps all the support structure noise on the interior. You need to use full support, btw. And make sure your build plate is evenly heated.


I've included two sets of files. One set has standard 22mm holes in the center. The other set is the one I used for my Dalek. I used a 5/8" center tube so they have 19.5mm holes. Each set has pairs of inner and outer disks for each of the three sizes. There's a ridge on the interior side of the inner disk which fits the lip on the outer disk. Dab of glue (test first!) and you're good to go!


Oh yeah, and I can't swear that they are exactly the same as the original parts. I looked at the part descriptions and thought they were most likely spherical caps. So I did some math and made them spherical caps based on the dimensions of the original parts. If anyone has a genuine article they can compare against I'd appreciate any feedback how close they are and any adjustments that would make them better.


Here's the complete package: NSDHollowEyestalkDisks.zip


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